Thursday, November 22, 2012

                  the start of Thanksgiving day,
I am up , woke at 4:45 with leg cramps, which is good, as I had to get the ham in the oven, and should have taken the bread out of the freezer last night, but will try to hurry the bread up and since the kitchen is next to the bedroom, ( I don't know why this floor plan was l aid out this way.) cause w;hen I try to  be extra quite it seems I drop everything. the last one woke him and he wanted to know if I was all right. but I am fine, feeling good this morning, ham is in the oven and other stuff doesn't have to be started yet. Johnny called last night and said it is suppose to be up to 60 today and why don't we have the dinner in the back yard. eat out and have a picnic on this day. that will be a first, if we go ahead and do it. That's a lot of stuff to carry outside. will let you know later how it went.

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

well this should be below the last one. but I don't know how to do that, I guess you are just suppose to start at the bottom and read up. anyway , I had to come back and tell you that I see what chris was talking about with the buttermilk pie, I just had to cut me a slice and taste it, so now I will probably have all of that one ate before the day is over, so I will just make another one.  and I better get off of here and go do it.
                Happy Thanksgiving to all of you.
                         Day Before Thnnksgiving

wouldn't you know it. I had another one of my nights where I took my sleeping pill and settled down for a log winter's sleep ,l and at 2:30, there I am tossing and turning, I knew I was keeping earl awake also. So I thought I may as well get up. got lily up also as soon as I get up she is going to start prancing around and wanting someone to lift her down. So I went in the living room and desighted  to play majong. I am kinda addicted to that game, and earl says it is just like the find the word game, that I say is for kids,  Usually after I am  up a l ittle while I can lie down on the couch and catch another hr or 2, but earl decided to get up also and came in a turned the tv on. and. so there was not going back to sleep on the couch. so I have made a peanut butter pie and 2 buttermilk pies and a carrot cake. Plan on putting what casseroles that I can together tonite. got to clean house also this afternoon. and go to store and get ham. was waiting till last to get it, Had to make sure what johnny was bringing, and he is bringing the turkey.
 we have always had all the family, kids grandkids and great grandkids at out house and then we moved in a moble home and seemed like there wouldn't be enough room, but we get out folding tables and use the coffee table, and have a great time. course all of them won't get to be here this yr. and we will miss Debbie so much, and sal is going to  ohio to his sisters house. which is probably good, as when he is with all of us, it just causes him to miss debbie more. Plan on decoreating the grave tomorrow, Chris brought a big wreath and a santa clause for the grave.
 well back to Thanksgiving. we are going to have a good time there will be lots to eat. and I hope to post pictures. Hope anyone reading this has a great thanksgiving.

Friday, November 16, 2012

                well if I am going to keep this up I better get some more on here.
so thankful that Pat is getting better. hopefully by nov. 4 she will be able to try to walk again.It has been so long ,I know she will be happy and I will be also. I don't go back and read my old post, so don't know if I had put on there that Pat went to the alter and was saved. she can't wait till she is able to go to church more. It's hard to go when you just have one leg you can use and can't walk on crutches. with one leg a walker doesn't do a lot of good. so she is in the electric scooter most of the time, that is when she is out of bed. most of the time she is lying in bed. we are praying that when she goes to the doctor on nov 4 he will say she can put weight on the leg again. she has been sick so long. and so we both are really looking forward to her going shopping again. I have such a great family and sure hate for one of them to be sick or out of commision. looking forward to thanksgiving now, going to start making some of it now that I can put in the freezer. but it won't be as crowded as it use to be, as chris not coming up and I think meg and josh are going to his folks , and sal is going to ohio, so we will see how many makes it here.
Sunday will be earl and I 's 46 wedding anniversary. He has been a great guy to stay with me all that time. I know it hasn't been easy for him. but he persevered. and I am glad. we have had a lot of good times together and did a lot of traveling together. He took on quite a load when we got married. a wife with a ready made family. but he has been a life saver.  a great guy who has lots of friends. I will talk more about him later and get some pictures on here.  but for now. guess I will go to bed. Hang in here with me, this may turn out to be an interesting blog. I hope so.

Saturday, November 3, 2012

                                            The great news is I think Pat is getting better.
Now that makes a good headline. I want her to get better so bad. 'she is the one I always shopped with. groc. stores, shopping centers, garage sales. I sure have missed all that this last yr. but now as soon as she is able she will be going to church with me. She is getting up in her motorized chair and going from bedroom to kitchen , and she said she is going to start doing some cooking from her chair. she has another month before going back to dr. and him giving her the ok to put weight on that leg.
  Wish Chris didn't live so far away. she loves to shop. but when she comes up it is a hurried trip and she has the rest of her family to visit.
   johnny and char don't get here very much like they use to. love for them to come. but they are over an hr away.
   Earl had to go make a trip to north vernon, so it's just me and lilymae, and she follows me from room to room and sleeps at my feet, except in bed and then she sleeps at my head. don't remember if I have put a picture of  her on here, but will put one now.

Sunday, October 21, 2012

       Sunday morning, Pat came home this week. they found she had a fractured leg along with everything else. so I will be 6 weeks before she can put any weight on that leg. So tomorrow she will have one week down. and 5 to go. She has had 3 surgurys this year. and 7 hip surgurys .The poor girl has been thru so much, and has to just stay in that tiny room in bed. she has a wheel chair but she says it hurts too much to get up and get in it. I have taken care of her this week, but she called her daughter in louisiana  sorry not spelled right, the spell checker says. and her daughter caught a bus and came up to take care of her a couple weeks, that was so nice of her to just drop everything and come up here. We  just pray that the staff infection is gone and will stay she can start having a good life again. 
    We got to have our yearly wiener roast and Pat got to be there sitting in a wheel chair, This was before the surgury, 
    I keep thinking that I may be repeating myself, as I don't go back and read what I put on here the last time. but I figure that is no big deal. 
    will have to get off now and get ready to go to church.   

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

                     Hoping all of this bad luck for Pat will come to and end.
Pat had the surgury the 15th , and they also found she had a thigh bone fractured, she doesn't know how that happened or when but was having a lot of pain in that area. The doc wired that together and the new hip is in, and she was suppose to be up and learning to walk again in 3 days , and now with the fracture it will take about a month, and they are taking about rehab again, and she doesn't want that as she was there before , the poor girl has had   so much bad luck and hasn't gotten to be in her pool for about 3 yrs. hoping so much that she is on the road to getting a life again, but since she has started going to church with me, she has given her heart to the Lord and was going to church , with a walker. and we did get to have the wiener roast last sat on the 13th, and she brought her car right around to the back yard and sat in a chair all the time, but she got to be there and everyone waited on her.
   My car is on it's last leg and I am going to h ave to think more seriously about finding another, I like this one, it is an 01, but I hate to let it go. but I am going to just find a used one that runs good, and has all the fenders and bumpers on it.

Sunday, October 7, 2012

           we got the roof finished. and the gutters up, or rather we hired someone to do it. looks a lot better now.
went to sun. school this morning. It is so nice to have Pat sitting beside me now. . since debbie had to leave, Pat has filled her seat. Will be so glad when Pat gets her new hip put in and can start doing more things again.
 Wish chris lived up here so she could do things with us.
It is getting so cold already , and I don't like the cold. we have not gotten to have any fun in the back yard since deb has been gone.  she was the instigator in a lot of things. lets do this and lets do that. and now seems like we are not doing anything. we always had a wiener roast in oct. and here it is and now one has said anything about it.

Friday, September 28, 2012

Will get a few more lines in. It is mostly about Pat now, as she still is one hipless. Is that a word? I just made it one.  suppose to go back on the 15 of oct. to get the new hip put in again. hope all goes well with that. and her husband didn't start his chemo yet as there is a shot that may help him but it cost 8.000$ so waiting to see if the ins. will pay for it.
Hopefully I can start on something besides sickness before long. we are putting up a ;new roof and guttering this week so will be busy helping with that. and trying to get it all done before that snow starts falling.


Monday, September 17, 2012

                                   A New Day, Anew beginning,

Pat went to church with us last night and gave her heart to the Lord. We are so happy,  She walked down to the alter with her walker. The doc has told her she c;an put 50 % on that leg, and she has a new a new date to look forward to now. oct. 15th the hip joint will be put back in. and then when that gets well, all the pain will be just coming from her back. hopefully. She will then be able to get up and do what she used to do. She has been thru a lot.
  Now she has a new worry , her husband has found out he has a form of lukemmia, I can't spell worth a durn. it says even durn is spelled wrong, but that is how I spell it. Any way he starts chemo on the 25th of this month. Has to go three days I think it is and 7 hrs a day, So will update on this  later. 

Thursday, September 13, 2012

                     will take time to add a little more,
I have been talking about my middle daughter, who is now my youngest daughter, and she has been very sick with a staff infection. but she is on the road to recovery. Looking so much better and getting around with a walker. but she still has another surgury to go thru to put the new hip back in.;;;hopeful this will be the last one, she it will make 7 hip surgurys and that is too much for one person to go thru..but she  has taken it all like a trooper. haave missed so much running around with her, she was right next door and she always takes me everywhere and I miss going with her.
just finished eating bread pudding hot out of the oven. so easy to make and I made 2 , one for my daughter, now I got to get dressed and take it over there.
wish the daughter in ky. lived a little closer, and we all 3 could go running together.
My hubby is out mowing the lawn. as the rain is coming in and he wants it to be pretty for the weekend.
 I have been sewing, had to get the sewing machine out and then found 3 dresses I had started and never finished, so now that it is out, I will see how much I can get done before I put it away again to stay a  long time. so plan on sewing most of the day. and if I don't shut this down, will not get it done so later.


Tuesday, September 4, 2012

 Labor Day  2012
 Went to our son and daughter-in-laws house. They live in Morgantown. And a good time was had by all. John had cooked all morning, and and we had chicken . turkey burgers and hot dogs , all cooked on the grill outside, and squash , 2 kinds, cooked on the grill and baked beans, and since they are on diets, there were ;no cakes and pies,      but they did have cookies for ME and the little ones. after that charlene and I and the 2 small ones got in the rhyno and her daughter and the daughters husband got on the 4 wheeler and we all headed down the road to a creek and then went down in the creek and took a long ride in it, it was scary in places and fun other wise, she kept telling me that the rhyno would ;not turn over and I took her word  for it. we had fun, while the guys stayed home and played with guns. and after we got back the guys decided to go to the creek, so we stayed home while they had fun in the creek, course they got a little more braver than us, I think. but we really had a swell day and I think we need to start having all our get togethers there as there is a lot m ore to do for everyone, and a big woods behind to  have fun in. 
but I h ad left a daughter at home next door who wasn't feeling well, I will be so glad when she gets to where she can enjoy life again. she hasn't had any fun things that she is able to do for well over a yr. Have to call and see how she is in about an hr. don't want to call too soon in case she is still sleeping. but by 9 she is suppose to put the ;medicine bottle in that port. she's been thru a lot and still has a lot to go thru before it is over.need lots of prays for her.

Sunday, September 2, 2012

I don't know how others can think up things too put down everyday. I need to write more, but never kept a diary and this is really what this is. but would like to leave something for my family to read when I am gone.

worrying about the daughter #2 now.  she is looking toward her 7 hip surgury. she has been in so much pain the last few yrs. but she is taking it better than I think I would. Hopefully when this staff infection is gone and she gets the hip joint put back in, will be her last for awhile.

I sure miss going to yard sales with her. I have not been since she has been down. Maybe I saved some money, but would rather be running with her, we h it them all. she would look at the paper and draw out a map where we didn't have to back track and could hit all of them . we went to 32 one morning. I quit going , cause it wasn't as much fun by myself. and it is hard to get in to all those tight parking places when there is a lot of people there. 

I don't know why chris had to move so far away. well I guess I do know why. but just wish she was closer and I would make a garage sale person out of her. 

Sitting here thinking about Valerie, would love to see her, but she works and don't know when would be a good time to see her. she was always our adopted daughter. She was so good to Debbie and a dear friend. 

Wanted to go to johnny and char's this weekend, but this rain has put a damper on a lot of things. but the weekend isn't over  yet. we will surely see them today or tomorrow. 

Growing old is not good. the only thing good is looking at all the family that has accumilated  over the years. All the additions. But being so  oldl, there is a lot I am going to miss out on. I just hope they will remember me with mostly good thoughts.I love all love all of them. 

And my husband has been a rock thru it all. he is a great man. He has a lot of friends and that is good. everyone seems to like him. and that is good. and he likes me and that is good. 

I am wondering who is going to give me a great great grandchild first. Hoping I am around long enough to hold it. I know , not suppose to be called an it, but not knowing the sex, has to be an it. 

I have one great grandchild who is a nurse, and another who is in college, I think he is going to be a movie star. and the next one to start college seems to be quite, so I have no idea on him. would love to be around when pretty kaylee starts college. 

I guess I should go think about fixing some breakfast.  later

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

                   still just worrying about my daughter and when she is going to get well. I know it is so hard for her just lying there and not knowing when the staff infection is going to get well and then have surgury again to get the hip joint put back in. Her sister in Ky came up to see  her yesterday and I know that made her day. and chris keeps her happy with lots of cards and the ladies from church send her cards and 2 have sent food.  all of that helps her. and I miss having her to go shopping with. we always went to walmart together so I could help her with her groc. as she has a bad back also , and that will still be thee when the hip gets well. They said nothing can be done for the back. It has deteriated so much. all this should be this old woman and not my daughters having all this happen to them.  someday all is going to be well and I can get on here and write about happy things.

Thursday, August 16, 2012

It has finally arrived, my daughter Pat gets to come home today, been in rehab for 16 days. she is coming home without a hip joint, so she can't walk yet. but we are glad she gets to come home. and I know she is. she said when she went in for surgury , she thought she was going to be in 3 days and back home. she still has a long way to go, but a lot of people are praying for her. I ask her if she knew how surgrurys, (my pc shows I am spelling that wrong) she has had and I think she said 17. course not all of them were on her hip. not much writting now, I have to get ready to go over there,

Monday, August 13, 2012

                                Still thinking about Pat this morning., Not knowing how this is all going to turn out.
The poor is being so brave lying up in that hospital and not having a hip joint to get up and do anything, and they said she can't put any weight on that leg. Alto they have a block in there to keep everything separated I guess, The have to build a ramp or something to get her in the house, as it is about 6 steps to get to her front door. they are bringing a hosp. bed, cause her bed sits down too low. Oh and her husband took her puppy up to the hosp. sun, and I had never heard of getting to take a dog to your room, she loved that, as she is as crazy about her dog as I am with mine,  One of these days when all the sickness is over, I will write about my Lily Mae, but helping the kids comes first. They are still kids to me. They are my kids. and I guess I will always call them kids. even though they are in their 60"s. but since I am heading toward 85 , ( nest april) they are kids to me. I love my family very much, and my husband whose has been a pillar in this family. He has been the one to help make this a great family. We ;don't have much money, in fact we don't have ;any, but we are happy , and we have great family reunions and it has been so hot this summer to get outside where we always congregated, for cookouts and in the fall wiener roasts. but right now we have to get Pat well .
  As ; you can see you never know what I will end up writting about , But now lily has come and told me that the better half  is up, so Ill close for now. And if you are reading this you can see it is not  like regular blogs, I love making things and cooking, but I can't put them on here as I get them from other peoples blogs, I love penterest and all the stuff people put on there to make, and I have made a lot of them, but they are not my ideas, some day maybe I can picture some of them and show the person I got them from. but now I got to run and get busy. I got a new perm and it is terrible, it was a new woman, but she will never do it again, so I am going to go in the kitchen and find something to give myself a hot oitl treatment and as I am writting I am thing that coconut oil might help it, It is suppose to be good for everything else. So if it all falls out I will let you know.  Have fun going to penterest and read all the good things.

                                    Babble ings from grandma,

Friday, August 10, 2012

       Still worrying about my daughter Pat, she is in the community east hosp. rehab. and cannot walk because of not having a hip joint. when all the infection heals, then they have to go back and put the hip joint back in and that could be 2 or 3 months, the poor girl has really had a rough time the last few yrs. she has already had 5 hip replacements. and when they put this one back in that will 6. How much can one person go thru, plus her back is gone , hurts all the time. that's all for now, got to go to hosp.

                       A  worried mom.

Sunday, August 5, 2012

                          decided to write some more on here, and now the tv says a severe storm warning in about 15 or 20 min. So  I won't write much  as I always shut these things down when we have a storm.
  Spent Fri. in ky. with my daughter Chris, we went goodwilling in a new store down there, In a fancy neighborhood and really thought it would be an experience, but our good will in Greenfield is a lot better, They don't know how to do it down there. So we went to kohls, and they had a lot of stuff on sale.
    Had a good day with chris tho, and we came home and she fixed an enormous dinner and the guys came home and they had already ate, so she sent the left overs home with me, as we love left overs, and that will be our sun. dinner. so I don't have to do a lot today,
     Sat. went to see Pat, she is in rehab. and in so much pain. I feel so sorry for her and there is nothing I can do but pray. She has been thru too many surgurys in her life, that no one should have to go thru, She deserves so much more. Such a good daughter,  So today I go to church and have all of them pray for her.
     I finally got my ipad, been wanting one, and thinking this 84 yr. old woman can survive without that. and I am not rich enough to have all of these new these new things. but I know I will enjoy it.
    watching the cindi crawford comercial on tv,  and I think I really would l ike to have this age defying stuff. the can make it sound good,
but need to get off now and shut things down.  I'm putting another picture on of 2 of my lovely daughters.

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

going to put a picture on of me and my daughter and grand daughter and great grand daughter.

sometimes I may put a picture on that was already on here as I don't go back and go over it, but it doesn't hurt if I do. they are all so pretty.
                                        I am going to try to get some written here.
My middle daughter, pat is in the hosp. now , she has had so much trouble with her back and hip, and has had 5 hip replacements. but she wore out the first 2 being a mail lady and having to walk and carry the bag of mail all the time. and then had trouble with one of the next 2 and had to have it replaced and then got infection in it, and has been waiting months for the infection to go away and it didn't, so now they took the joint out and are leaving it out until the infection is gone, which could take a couple months, who knows and in it's place they have put some kind of block and she is suppose to be able to put a little weight on it, using a walker to walk. but as of today she is still in too much pain. so they are sending her to a rehab place for a few days. the poor girl has had nothing but pain for quite a few yrs, pain of one kind or another.
This blog seems to be more of a diary. I read a lot blogs where they have ideas to make things and I love them I read them all the time on penterest and try to make some of the things. and try out new recipes. .

I love my husband and my kids. Sjo for now that is what I mostly write about, so haven't made it public, cause don't know if anyone wants to read that. Maybe as the yrs go by I will get better at this.

Saturday, June 30, 2012

Earl is not feeling well tonite and is already in bed and asleep.I have Pat not feeling good most of the time and chris' health is nothing to brag about and earl has to stay well. Pat will be having surgury again before long, no way to get by it. I feel so sorry for her, she has no life. and she  won't let m e come  over and help out.
suppose to get more storms tonight,   I don't like storms. A limb fell on one of my glass towers out in the flower bed, and broke it. If I could reach the bubble wrap in the garage I would go get it and wrap the big one in the back yard and it is my favorite.It won't fall over as it is on concrete, but a limb could fall on it.
got to go  .
I love all of my family, and wish they were all well.
I read Twiggy's blog almost everyday, she is so good at it. and I love all the stuff she puts in there. I knew her when she was about 6 or 7 or maybe a little older, and then they moved away. and see her dad on facebook all the time, He used to be our preacher and was a good one, but he decided to move away from Knightstown. really missed him, and his family.
Finally made it down to my hometown of Linton, In. and went to visit my childhood playmate. Her and I were the same age and went thru grade school and part of high school together. I don't think she looks as old as I do. We took her out to an amish resturant there in Linton, but she hardly ate anything.  We sat and looked at old pictures, and then we had to say goodbye. then we went to the cementary to put flowers on my parents grave.
Had a terrible storm here yesterday, and there are limbs down everywhere as we live in a woods. Went to cementary here in town to check on the flowers on debbie's grave and a few of them had blown off, will take my glue when I go back.
Earl h as gone to louisville today. Have another picture of him I want to put on here and one of my mother.

Sunday, June 24, 2012

days of my life

this is my first attempt at something like this, so it will take awhile, and probably will be mixed up. I am starting this a little late, as I am 82 yrs old, will be 83 in in 2 months.

let's get back to something else

I love reading all the mail from penterest people that I have met on here. Oh to be young again, and try all these things. but here I am 84  in another month and just now finding out about all this stuff. but love going thru and looking at all the penterest stuff. love the reciepes and all the craft stuff and the back yard. someday I am going to learn how to do this blog stuff and get it all straightened out, right now I am still learning. so if you are reading this bear with me.back later, I want to get out in the yard, what a pretty day it is. later

had a big storm yesterday , and so I went to grave yard and brought our new baskets of flowers so they wouldn't get messed up and we took them back and hung them up, they are so pretty, and also there was a tree blown down on to one of the headstones.
been out pulling weeds in the flower garden and found this and just had to come back in and post this, I have never seen this before, I don't remember planting  it and don't think I ever seen one of these, and there is just  one,

Have been downtown indy this morn. for the cancer walk?run. course I did the ride,(wheel chair)
was fun and most all of the red hat girls were there, sal  and his 2 sisters and earl and I. was fun, but cold.  , real cold. ,debbie would be so thrilled as she did this every yr,  brought back more memories, but had to shut most of them out. and fthink of present. I would think, I am going to break down and then make myself think of something else. It seems like she is not really gone. should just walk in anytime with that big smile. she always had a smile. ok I will get on to something else  like how cold dit was. I had 3 tees on and a sweatshirt and a winter coat. and was still cold. in the 40 and then the wind picked up was so good to get in truck and turn the heat up high, Pat wanted to go, but she is in such bad shape with that hip. that she couldn't go. but that is over now for another yr.
went to eye doc. this morn. Pat took me. going to put prescription eye drops in now. suppose to make make more tears, but the good kind of tears. I don't know when he explained it , I didn't understand and I ask him who thought that up. these are suppose to get rid of the bad tears and make good tears.
earl is in the recliner checking out the inside of his eyelids,
He is still weak from the walk sat. I didn't know it would be that bad on  him.
this is such a good picture of my daughter and her daughter, I just had to post it,
going to post some pictures of my daughter in ky. and her family. they were all home for fathers day.
6-17-12 father's day (12).JPG6-
there I got it, my daughter is in the back and her husband and the tall guy on the left is her son, and the blond down on the right is her daughter, and in the middle with the fuchia colored dress is the  blonds daughter and her husband and and the 2 girls on the right surrounding the blond, are the tall boys kids, and all the rest belong to the blond .

                                          Fun Day
sat we went to morgantown to our john and his wife sharlene,  and  a dinner that was out of this world, he knows I like the ribs he fixes, and they were really good, and after dinner we went 4 wheeling back thru the woods and creek, and over hill and dale, it was fun. scary, but fun. and went to a creek and looked for geodes and found a lot of them, we will have to get out this week and bust them open and see how they look inside. It was the most fun filled day this old woman has had for awhile, and I'm ready to go again. but I don't think earl is as hep on the idea as I am. we'll have to leave him home the next time. course time I spent all the time in the rhyno with charlene. and it is fun to ride it and it looks like you are going to turn over or hit a tree and she says no we are not going o turn over. so I trust her. but she has a scar on her arm from where her 4 wheeler went over and the scar is about 8 or 9 " long I think.
Pat is not doing so good today, her foot is swelled up real big. she is having a hard time with her leg. I worry about her a lot.
more later, got to get ready to go back to church tonight.

Friday, June 22, 2012

           friday morning
sitting here looking at pictures, there is so many things on the pc that keeps you from doing housework that really needs to be done. Deb worked on computers all day and I often wondered how she could just sit there all day and now here I am spending a big part of my day on here. penterest can take up a big part. but looking at the pictures I found this one of 4 generations and decided to post it, as I am so proud of my family.

Sunday, June 17, 2012

Sun. morning, and I feel like such a traitor, didn't feel up to par this morn. I think I am trying to get strep throat, or a cold. and I wonder, (how come I don't just quit trying, and It will all be over. Didn't feel like going to church this morn. and so earl didn't go either. all my fault, but, I am sneezing a lot and blowing a lot

haven't heard from Pat yet this morning, she has had chest pains all week, and don't have an appt with heart doc, till next thurs. I told her I can't lose another daughter, just can't, just can't.

It is fathers day,  and I'm hoping no one shows up, as furniture from bedroom is all stacked in kitchen. carpet man came fri eve. to lay the carpet and now he can't come back till mon eve. so I really have no place to cook.

chris has her whole family there for fathers day, and this is the first time in yrs that all of them have been them have been there at the same time.


Saturday, June 16, 2012

Finally go my homemade washing detergent made, have yet to use it. but should save a lot on the washing clothes bill, Tide was always my favorite, but all of them just got out of site and I had to do something to cut down on bills. Everyone says this is good and they use it all the time. I have been making the glass towers that I found on penterest, I told my husband that when they say it is going to hail, we will have to stand out there with an umbrella, or  we will have a lot of broken glass to pick up. they are so pretty out there. and I made the glass mushrooms. Goodwill is a good lace to find the glass and yard sales.
I get to looking at penterest and spend  so  much time there, there are so  many smart people out there that can think up all this stuff and I am so glad they are willing to share it,
I have always made quilts and will put the last one I made on here, I embroidered it. but before that I pieced them by hand while I sat and watched tv. going to try doing something else now that I have penterest to learn things.

Friday, June 8, 2012

Couldn't sleep last night, so am up early and will try to put something on here. I didn't know this would be so hard. I have sat here and read other peoples blogs and they are so interesting. but when I try this I find I will never be an author. I am going to try to start cleaning out a closet today. It has to be done , and I have put it off too much. As I am making room in one room to bring my piano home where it belongs. I think I have forgotten all the little chords I use to play on it. May even start piano lessons again. Can you believe starting that at 84? I guess that way I find out if I really have alshymers , now you know and I know that isn't the way to spell t hat, but sound it out and see what you come up with.
Earl has worked so hard on the back yard this summer, and it is really looking good, ( for poor people ). we like it and that is all that matters.
Have a sick daughter next door. am so worried about her. and have one in ky that is not in the best of health. Things are not working out like they are suppose to. I am not suppose to be in better shape than my kids. You know , they are still my kids. altho they are in their 60's. except the boy, I don't think he is quite 60 yet.
got a new recipe I am going to try this morning. It is biscuits with 7 up and sour cream in them, and are suppose to be delicious, will let you know. I love trying new recipes, but can't say that earl does. but he sorta goes along with me. and says I don't think this is gonna be what we are crazy about. but I am so sure of this recipe that I don't even like 7 up and bought and large bottle.
got the wreath made for mothers grave, didn't make it down to linton for memorial day, but am gonna try to make it this week. would go today but have to put the truck in for a recall.
If  I get the closet cleaned out and have time I may get the sewing machine out , as I have material for a new skirt and been wanting to make it. so may just do that. I am wearing long skirts now, as it is so much better than trying to struggle in pantyhose. and they are so comfortable. now I have to remember where I put that material. course if I don't get off this computer I won't get anything done. So happy trails to you. later.
 this is the man I have spent 46 years with, and haven't regretted it a bit
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Monday, June 4, 2012

well I think I can sit down now for a while, I have fixed dinner and did the dishes and moved some little things around and dusted here and there, and then went to garage and swept it, and now I am thirsty, will sit here and have a pepsi.and then I am going to try to catch up a little on this.

as you can see I have had these for quite a number of years,  the first one 33 , just some of the things I collect about my family. Haven't been on here for awhile as my pc has been down had to order a new part, but hope all is well now, and maybe I can think of something to write about.

Saturday, May 19, 2012

haven't been on here for a few days. looking forward to my daughter coming to visit this coming friday. she is going to teach me how to croshay (now I knew I couldn't spell it) but if I learn I will put a picture on here of what I made. some one said you can't learn an old dog new tricks, and I am old, but not a dog, so maybe  it will work out ok. 
earl has been working pretty hard on the patio area, getting it ready for partying this week end earl's birthday is wed. and chris' is mon. so we are hoping we get the rain over with before next weekend.

Monday, May 14, 2012

                  I am so unequipped to be doing this b

I have just sat here this  morning and deleted everything I  had in my email, and I had over 500 in there and stuff I meant to go back to, just didn't have the time then, I also lost all of the important documents, so I guess I am not able to be in charge of anything. so just don't rely on me. I try to do good and it comes out bad. I need to just shut this computer down and go read a good book. or go outside and do something. these things can become addictive. and you can spend your whole life sitting here going thru penterest. and we use to keep pictures in an album, now they are all on here. but it is nice to sit here and talk to people, people that live miles away, and there they are , even pictures of them and you can see how they have changed since you last saw them. maybe  being addictive to this is not so bad. but I have turned around and looked behind me and got a shock as to what the house looks like since I sit here so  long. and forgot where I even keep the sweeper. and paper plates help a lot. but I still have a bunch in the sink I need to take care of. the pc doesn't quite do everything. so I am going to go take care of dishes now
                         my 2 daughters and me
now I am going to do the dishes


Monday, May 7, 2012

been awhile since I have been back here, I should never have started the penterest sites as I get on there and one leads to another and there is no stopping place, before you know it I have been on here 4 hrs and nothing else gets done, and I know I should be in there fixing earl something to eat.
looks like we are getting ready for another storm and I always shut this down when it storms, so I guess that way I will get off of here. oh to be young again and have all this  penterest to go to.
I found it, this is where I wanted to be and just add to it, but messed up again. I guess it doesn't matter.

Well, I started to write this morn, and had to get off for awhile, and now I am back and lost what I had already typed. so I am going to put it all off I think until later.

Thursday, May 3, 2012


Tuesday, May 1, 2012

another rainy day, sounds like a broken record.
had a wonderful birthday, and great granddaughter was here,  spent the weekend with us. all the kids were here with their spouses. and after dinner, the guys all had a turkey shoot without the turkey out in the back. lilymae has to hide, she sure doesn't like to hear the guns. I don't either, we  had a dairy queen cake and pat made a pineapple was good. sal brought the mac.and cheese. it was good also. I wish chris and jr lived closer so we could visit  more, without the long trip wearing them out.
It was kaylee's birthday also. she was born on my birthday. it doesn't seem possible that she is 9 yrs old now. 
Debbie was here in spirit , as she is never out of  our thoughts.
will be glad when all this rain is over and we can start doing this out in the yard. but I'm afraid when this summer gets here, we are going to be wishing for some rain,
got to go now. will be back.


Saturday, April 28, 2012

Another rainy day. and the tv now says rain everyday for a week, I have been watching it all week  to see what sun is going to be, as there will be another cookout here on sun. but I think it will be like the last one.( a cook in), they are changing it every day, but now that it is almost  here, looks like another cook in.
sitting here this morning with my twin, she will be 9 tomorrow, and I will be 84 tomorrow. and she is my great granddaughter.  How time does fly.
Oh to be her age again, She is sitting playing old maid on the computer, and when I was her age, I was playing with paper dolls I had cut out of a sears catalog. I had a box of people , dads and moms and children, and furniture,  and mostly played under the library table, it had a shelf under it, I don't know why it was called a library table, but it is still in the family after all these yrs, my son has it. and I had to get the dolls out before the catalog made it's way out to the toilet. thinking back now, I don't remember ever having a roll of toilet paper out there, and as I think back now, how did we ever get clean, as most of the catalog paper is sorta slick now, and maybe back there it was not slick, may  have been a different paper,  I guess sitting here this morning with my twin just got me to thinking back then,  no computers, go outside and play church, that is what we did all the time, as that is what we did every sun,& wed. so we had dynamite boxes , (empty) that my dad brought home from the coal mine, and we made an alter and stage and had seats and sat it  up like a church, and when I say we , the other part of we was my cousin Donetta , her and I grew up together, as we got older we rode bikes together, but back to this little one sitting here beside me, she is so pretty, and such a good kid. I don't know how her mother did it, but she raised 5 children by herself, as her husband passed away, when this  one was  about a month old. and her mother has done a great job,
well I have gotten on to just thinking back and there is so much about how things are different from when I was her age.
I guess I better get off and fix her some cereal or something, and then I got to clean this place a little as it will fill up tomorrow for the cook in.  rain rain go away, come again another day, like mon.


Sunday, April 22, 2012

did the cancer walk, and boy was it cold, in the 40"s and windy. It did earl in. he didn't say anything, but when we got home he had to go to bed and I rubbed him down with horse  liniment, and he took a nap, is sun and he is still sore today. his legs and back are giving out on him. I guess he is gonna have to start acting l like an old man. getting some of the pics on here now.


Friday, April 20, 2012

trying to think what to wear tomorrow,  going to downtown indy for the cancer walk. earl is going to go and sal and johnny and char and the red hat ladies, all in honor of debbie. debbie did this every year. and we trying to keep it going. sal's sister from new york is here and his sister from ohio is here. debbie would be proud. and it is going to be in the 40 s in the morning. and I can't stand the cold. so I'm not saying this is going to be fun.  will publish more about that tomorrow aft. and maybe have some pics. right now I have pics of my 2 newest flowers. but don't know the name of either. forgot to keep the package. but I love lots of flowers outside. well I tried to put them here  will try again.

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

I am sure I wrote on here a day or so ago, but I must have not pushed the right button. went in to wash. sq. methodist complex to get blood work done, to check on thyroid. so went till 2  , the time I got there, without eating, usually I have had cherios or coffee. decided to it right this time.
earl had to go on a run early and now has gone on a late run, small ones.
got 3 tomato plants blooming.
I have to decide what to fix to take to church, as randy , our use to be preacher , his dad died and the church is having a dinner the day of the funeral for all of them. like they did for debbie, so I have to fix something to take,.I would like to stay and help serve, but have a dr. appt. about 1 30 I think, so will have to figure out something. may cancel dr appt.
dreading sat suppose to be in 50 and rain. I hate to cancel that. will keep watch on it and see if they change it.
johnny and char are leaving wed to go on a camping trip, but are planning on coming back for the walk. they are putting flags along the road with the cancer patients name on it, and then you take it with you, sal said he was getting a flag.

Friday, April 13, 2012

oh my, have sat here for 3 hrs going thru other peoples blogs and tutorials. love going thru here and  learning new things. wish I had this when I was young, all things I could have did. and taught my youngings to do. now they already know more than I could ever learn cause they are going thru things also, and they are young enough to try all this.
weeded one of my flower gardens yesterday, now got to get on to another one, before the weeds take over, last yr. it was a weed garden , and now this yr. I think I can take care of it. don't remember what was wrong last  yr. I just couldn't do it.  but first I got some dishes that I went to bed and didn't do , so got to get that done first , (wish I didn't do that)
as you can see I am just ranting today, and I am a worry wart when it comes to the weather, and I see where sat we may have some bad weather coming in.
later,    norma

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

I have not ventured outside today. after all that warm weather and then getting down in the twenties, I can't take it, Had a dr. appt. but canceled it. and just stayed in where it was warm. went thru a lot on penterest,  just love those sites, and I am running out of paper printing all those recipes I want to make. earl is having his aft. nap.
thought about deb a lot today, sal came back from n,y. and called last night. I know it is hard on him , for his wife to be there and just sit in house alone. and I have lost mother and dad and 2 sisters and a bro. but nothing compares to the loss of a daughter, ok, I will move on
 trying to think of something to fix quick for a snack  this eve. guess I will go look around and see what I got that I can fix quick.
not putting much on here this time.
we made a hot house last night for the tomatoes, put a tarp over them and put a lamp in it, 
later        norma

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

I have sat here this morning trying to find out how to change the name of my blog, as I heard there are many with the same name, when I started I didn't look up names to get my own, and now I would like to change it, but read where one person did it and it all went away, so will leave it as it is for time being. would like to have my own unique name,  the only other blog I read is the dirt life, and only because I knew her mother and father and her when she was a child. and I think she is a unique person to have gone over all those mountains like she did. and now i read hers everyday, and once in awhile I get to see a picture of her mom.
well I got to go do dishes, everything just stops when I get on here as I get to going thru penterest and can't get out of it, one thing leads to another and I just love all the stuff I find in penterest.
later,          norma

Monday, April 9, 2012

just got to tell about easter sun and the good time we had,  debbie was there in our minds and we got the cry over early, as josh had to put her name in the prayer, but I am not saying any against josh, as I love  him dearly, he has been a great addition to this family.
 we had 17 here for dinner and it all went off swell. everyone had a good time. I love it when the great grand kids can have good memories about going to great grandmas and talk about the good times. love my family. there a few who couldn't make it,
meg brought the cake and you wouldn't believe it, had  the little marshmallow yellow chicks all around the top of it. , and the new cake transport she had, I had never seen anything like that. It must have been almost 2ft. tall.
the boys all growing up so fast and now max is going away to college this fall, but we got the whole summer to look forward to. all the cook outs in the back yard.
love my husband  so much, he helped johnny with the grills. had 2 going, one with hamburgers and one with barbecued chicken, and the ham was in the kitchen. 
was a good day. started out with church, and our great pasture,  I don't think that is the way to spell it , but he is a great guy, and we are so privileged to have  him.
and judy , you can't say enough about judy , she walked in the door and started right in making the mac, and cheese, she is so good at seeing where there is something that needs done and doing it. and johnny and earl took care of all the outside cooking. I don't think I did much, but couldn't understand why I was tired on the way to church in the eve. but glad I went. enjoyed the sermon.
I haven't covered all of the stuff I wanted to put down h ere, but got to get off now.  will be back . later,
this is a picture from last summer, but most of the family is in here and this is where it all goes on the back yard. 

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

I am so happy the big old storm missed us last night. so earl covered the tomatoes for nothing. I know he will be glad when he doesn't have to keep doing that. warm enough, but afraid the hail will get them. but now it is going to get colder and so looks like this is going to be a daily thing, would like to have a big ole juicy tomato this morning.  I mean out of my garden. Nothing can compare with  home grown ones.
Pat seemed to be a little better  yesterday. she went and got a new perm. but she says they cut it too short,
My car has been in the garage for 4 days, and they said they can't find anything wrong with it. so we will probably bring it home today.
I need to find a new title for my blog, as this came to mind and I started it and now chris says there are hundreds of people with this name,  so someone has to help me find a new name, one like twiggy has, where not one else has that I don't believe, she really came up with a good one, (the dirt life), I follow hers all the time, Now I got to find one like that. '
also would be nice to think of something interesting to put on here. .
got to get off now.  later

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

here I am again watching the news, and all the storms that are coming in tonite. everyone knows I don't like storms, suppose to start about 8 and last till 2, so will be a late time going to sleep. was awake a lot last night off and  on. too early to talk to Pat, hope she is feelling better today. she has been sick  and vomiting every day. they have changed her medicine hope it helps  her out. I am not suppose to be in better shape than my offsprings. Love my children so much.

Monday, April 2, 2012

won't be on here but a min, going to try pics. but then got to go to dentist , got other things I would rather be doing. but got to take the bad with the good, I have always heard, altho I don't really know why. well I can see I lost the place where you go to put in a pic, so since that is going to take a while to find out how to do it. one day I hope to be  good at this. some people have been doing this a long time, and I was 83 before I stumbled on it.

Sunday, April 1, 2012

Took flowers over sat. and saw a big tree down on somebody's stone. Hope it didn't crack it. going to go get a light to put on her place.
went to church this morn. and just had a small lunch for me and earl, and jacob came by, but we had enough for him. Him and earl are sitting and talking now.
My tulips are so pretty. I will try to see if I can put pics on here.

I saw this and it fit so well as to what I have been saying about debbie, that I had to add it.

                             God's Garden
God looked around His garden, And found an empty place,
He then looked down upon the earth, And saw your tired face,
He put His arms around  you, and lifted you to rest,
God's garden must be beautiful,He always takes the best,
He saw the road was getting tough, And the hills were hard to climb,
So He closed your weary eyelids, And whispered,"Peace Be Thine".
It broke our hearts to lose you, But you didn't go alone,
For part of us went with you. The day God called you home.

Thursday, March 22, 2012

another day

here I am again , trying to think of something to put on here. earl has gone on the cycle, he had to get blood work done this morn. will probably be using the cycle a lot with gas like it is now.
going to plant some grass seed today as it is rain tonite and have a few bare spots that could use some attention.
go to dentist this aft. be glad to get that over. got some sewing I need to do.
pat and I went and bought the marker for the grave yesterday, but be about a week before it is delivered.
It has been so warm this summer, and I am waiting on my tulips to bloom. planted about 50 new ones. got to get some daffadils out tho f or next year.
and got to figure out what to have for dinner this sun, as john and char are coming for dinner.

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

I don't know what I will end up saying

well I dreamed about the funeral last  night. only it was all different and was in a church, and it was all crazy.
now enough about that. I have read the knightstown banner, as that is what I do every wed. morning.  earl has gone to a flea market, we will probably have a lot of fleas before long, so don't know why he needs to go purchase more.
don't know what I am going to do today. just play it by ear.
since my blog is just for me. I can say anything I want to I guess. no one else has to waste their time reading it. and when I learn all the ropes about how to do this, I may make another one.
right now I am still in learning stage,
so will see if this goes where it's suppose to and more later.

Monday, March 19, 2012

more about debby

she left us on feb. 19 , she is not suffering now, we didn't want her to go. but God wanted to take her home, We will always have her on our mind. we are planning a cancer walk in her name, and we even have people from new  york and ohio coming to be in it. shows how much she was loved and how many friends she has. and we have a cd of her singing, and one of her songs was played at her funeral. and all of her red hat friends came to the funeral in costume and gathered around her casket and said a prayer,  and the bagpipes were played and at the grave site the white doves were released. It was sad but she would have loved it, as we tried to do everything she wanted.  It just seems like she is not really gone. she should still be here. It's so hard to let a daughter go.  got to go tend to some things now, will be back later.

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

days of my life

I have been trying to get started on this for quite a few months, but can't seem to get motivated. All I think of all the time is my daughter who is suffering from stage 4 cancer. Such a lovely person, liked by all who meet her. I know of no one as nice as her. So making it hard to get this blog going. will try again later.