Tuesday, September 4, 2012

 Labor Day  2012
 Went to our son and daughter-in-laws house. They live in Morgantown. And a good time was had by all. John had cooked all morning, and and we had chicken . turkey burgers and hot dogs , all cooked on the grill outside, and squash , 2 kinds, cooked on the grill and baked beans, and since they are on diets, there were ;no cakes and pies,      but they did have cookies for ME and the little ones. after that charlene and I and the 2 small ones got in the rhyno and her daughter and the daughters husband got on the 4 wheeler and we all headed down the road to a creek and then went down in the creek and took a long ride in it, it was scary in places and fun other wise, she kept telling me that the rhyno would ;not turn over and I took her word  for it. we had fun, while the guys stayed home and played with guns. and after we got back the guys decided to go to the creek, so we stayed home while they had fun in the creek, course they got a little more braver than us, I think. but we really had a swell day and I think we need to start having all our get togethers there as there is a lot m ore to do for everyone, and a big woods behind to  have fun in. 
but I h ad left a daughter at home next door who wasn't feeling well, I will be so glad when she gets to where she can enjoy life again. she hasn't had any fun things that she is able to do for well over a yr. Have to call and see how she is in about an hr. don't want to call too soon in case she is still sleeping. but by 9 she is suppose to put the ;medicine bottle in that port. she's been thru a lot and still has a lot to go thru before it is over.need lots of prays for her.

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