Sunday, June 24, 2012

                                          Fun Day
sat we went to morgantown to our john and his wife sharlene,  and  a dinner that was out of this world, he knows I like the ribs he fixes, and they were really good, and after dinner we went 4 wheeling back thru the woods and creek, and over hill and dale, it was fun. scary, but fun. and went to a creek and looked for geodes and found a lot of them, we will have to get out this week and bust them open and see how they look inside. It was the most fun filled day this old woman has had for awhile, and I'm ready to go again. but I don't think earl is as hep on the idea as I am. we'll have to leave him home the next time. course time I spent all the time in the rhyno with charlene. and it is fun to ride it and it looks like you are going to turn over or hit a tree and she says no we are not going o turn over. so I trust her. but she has a scar on her arm from where her 4 wheeler went over and the scar is about 8 or 9 " long I think.
Pat is not doing so good today, her foot is swelled up real big. she is having a hard time with her leg. I worry about her a lot.
more later, got to get ready to go back to church tonight.

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