Friday, June 8, 2012

Couldn't sleep last night, so am up early and will try to put something on here. I didn't know this would be so hard. I have sat here and read other peoples blogs and they are so interesting. but when I try this I find I will never be an author. I am going to try to start cleaning out a closet today. It has to be done , and I have put it off too much. As I am making room in one room to bring my piano home where it belongs. I think I have forgotten all the little chords I use to play on it. May even start piano lessons again. Can you believe starting that at 84? I guess that way I find out if I really have alshymers , now you know and I know that isn't the way to spell t hat, but sound it out and see what you come up with.
Earl has worked so hard on the back yard this summer, and it is really looking good, ( for poor people ). we like it and that is all that matters.
Have a sick daughter next door. am so worried about her. and have one in ky that is not in the best of health. Things are not working out like they are suppose to. I am not suppose to be in better shape than my kids. You know , they are still my kids. altho they are in their 60's. except the boy, I don't think he is quite 60 yet.
got a new recipe I am going to try this morning. It is biscuits with 7 up and sour cream in them, and are suppose to be delicious, will let you know. I love trying new recipes, but can't say that earl does. but he sorta goes along with me. and says I don't think this is gonna be what we are crazy about. but I am so sure of this recipe that I don't even like 7 up and bought and large bottle.
got the wreath made for mothers grave, didn't make it down to linton for memorial day, but am gonna try to make it this week. would go today but have to put the truck in for a recall.
If  I get the closet cleaned out and have time I may get the sewing machine out , as I have material for a new skirt and been wanting to make it. so may just do that. I am wearing long skirts now, as it is so much better than trying to struggle in pantyhose. and they are so comfortable. now I have to remember where I put that material. course if I don't get off this computer I won't get anything done. So happy trails to you. later.

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