Saturday, June 30, 2012

Earl is not feeling well tonite and is already in bed and asleep.I have Pat not feeling good most of the time and chris' health is nothing to brag about and earl has to stay well. Pat will be having surgury again before long, no way to get by it. I feel so sorry for her, she has no life. and she  won't let m e come  over and help out.
suppose to get more storms tonight,   I don't like storms. A limb fell on one of my glass towers out in the flower bed, and broke it. If I could reach the bubble wrap in the garage I would go get it and wrap the big one in the back yard and it is my favorite.It won't fall over as it is on concrete, but a limb could fall on it.
got to go  .
I love all of my family, and wish they were all well.

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