Wednesday, August 1, 2012

                                        I am going to try to get some written here.
My middle daughter, pat is in the hosp. now , she has had so much trouble with her back and hip, and has had 5 hip replacements. but she wore out the first 2 being a mail lady and having to walk and carry the bag of mail all the time. and then had trouble with one of the next 2 and had to have it replaced and then got infection in it, and has been waiting months for the infection to go away and it didn't, so now they took the joint out and are leaving it out until the infection is gone, which could take a couple months, who knows and in it's place they have put some kind of block and she is suppose to be able to put a little weight on it, using a walker to walk. but as of today she is still in too much pain. so they are sending her to a rehab place for a few days. the poor girl has had nothing but pain for quite a few yrs, pain of one kind or another.
This blog seems to be more of a diary. I read a lot blogs where they have ideas to make things and I love them I read them all the time on penterest and try to make some of the things. and try out new recipes. .

I love my husband and my kids. Sjo for now that is what I mostly write about, so haven't made it public, cause don't know if anyone wants to read that. Maybe as the yrs go by I will get better at this.

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