Monday, August 13, 2012

                                Still thinking about Pat this morning., Not knowing how this is all going to turn out.
The poor is being so brave lying up in that hospital and not having a hip joint to get up and do anything, and they said she can't put any weight on that leg. Alto they have a block in there to keep everything separated I guess, The have to build a ramp or something to get her in the house, as it is about 6 steps to get to her front door. they are bringing a hosp. bed, cause her bed sits down too low. Oh and her husband took her puppy up to the hosp. sun, and I had never heard of getting to take a dog to your room, she loved that, as she is as crazy about her dog as I am with mine,  One of these days when all the sickness is over, I will write about my Lily Mae, but helping the kids comes first. They are still kids to me. They are my kids. and I guess I will always call them kids. even though they are in their 60"s. but since I am heading toward 85 , ( nest april) they are kids to me. I love my family very much, and my husband whose has been a pillar in this family. He has been the one to help make this a great family. We ;don't have much money, in fact we don't have ;any, but we are happy , and we have great family reunions and it has been so hot this summer to get outside where we always congregated, for cookouts and in the fall wiener roasts. but right now we have to get Pat well .
  As ; you can see you never know what I will end up writting about , But now lily has come and told me that the better half  is up, so Ill close for now. And if you are reading this you can see it is not  like regular blogs, I love making things and cooking, but I can't put them on here as I get them from other peoples blogs, I love penterest and all the stuff people put on there to make, and I have made a lot of them, but they are not my ideas, some day maybe I can picture some of them and show the person I got them from. but now I got to run and get busy. I got a new perm and it is terrible, it was a new woman, but she will never do it again, so I am going to go in the kitchen and find something to give myself a hot oitl treatment and as I am writting I am thing that coconut oil might help it, It is suppose to be good for everything else. So if it all falls out I will let you know.  Have fun going to penterest and read all the good things.

                                    Babble ings from grandma,

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