Sunday, August 5, 2012

                          decided to write some more on here, and now the tv says a severe storm warning in about 15 or 20 min. So  I won't write much  as I always shut these things down when we have a storm.
  Spent Fri. in ky. with my daughter Chris, we went goodwilling in a new store down there, In a fancy neighborhood and really thought it would be an experience, but our good will in Greenfield is a lot better, They don't know how to do it down there. So we went to kohls, and they had a lot of stuff on sale.
    Had a good day with chris tho, and we came home and she fixed an enormous dinner and the guys came home and they had already ate, so she sent the left overs home with me, as we love left overs, and that will be our sun. dinner. so I don't have to do a lot today,
     Sat. went to see Pat, she is in rehab. and in so much pain. I feel so sorry for her and there is nothing I can do but pray. She has been thru too many surgurys in her life, that no one should have to go thru, She deserves so much more. Such a good daughter,  So today I go to church and have all of them pray for her.
     I finally got my ipad, been wanting one, and thinking this 84 yr. old woman can survive without that. and I am not rich enough to have all of these new these new things. but I know I will enjoy it.
    watching the cindi crawford comercial on tv,  and I think I really would l ike to have this age defying stuff. the can make it sound good,
but need to get off now and shut things down.  I'm putting another picture on of 2 of my lovely daughters.

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