Friday, April 13, 2012

oh my, have sat here for 3 hrs going thru other peoples blogs and tutorials. love going thru here and  learning new things. wish I had this when I was young, all things I could have did. and taught my youngings to do. now they already know more than I could ever learn cause they are going thru things also, and they are young enough to try all this.
weeded one of my flower gardens yesterday, now got to get on to another one, before the weeds take over, last yr. it was a weed garden , and now this yr. I think I can take care of it. don't remember what was wrong last  yr. I just couldn't do it.  but first I got some dishes that I went to bed and didn't do , so got to get that done first , (wish I didn't do that)
as you can see I am just ranting today, and I am a worry wart when it comes to the weather, and I see where sat we may have some bad weather coming in.
later,    norma

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