Wednesday, April 11, 2012

I have not ventured outside today. after all that warm weather and then getting down in the twenties, I can't take it, Had a dr. appt. but canceled it. and just stayed in where it was warm. went thru a lot on penterest,  just love those sites, and I am running out of paper printing all those recipes I want to make. earl is having his aft. nap.
thought about deb a lot today, sal came back from n,y. and called last night. I know it is hard on him , for his wife to be there and just sit in house alone. and I have lost mother and dad and 2 sisters and a bro. but nothing compares to the loss of a daughter, ok, I will move on
 trying to think of something to fix quick for a snack  this eve. guess I will go look around and see what I got that I can fix quick.
not putting much on here this time.
we made a hot house last night for the tomatoes, put a tarp over them and put a lamp in it, 
later        norma

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