Saturday, April 28, 2012

Another rainy day. and the tv now says rain everyday for a week, I have been watching it all week  to see what sun is going to be, as there will be another cookout here on sun. but I think it will be like the last one.( a cook in), they are changing it every day, but now that it is almost  here, looks like another cook in.
sitting here this morning with my twin, she will be 9 tomorrow, and I will be 84 tomorrow. and she is my great granddaughter.  How time does fly.
Oh to be her age again, She is sitting playing old maid on the computer, and when I was her age, I was playing with paper dolls I had cut out of a sears catalog. I had a box of people , dads and moms and children, and furniture,  and mostly played under the library table, it had a shelf under it, I don't know why it was called a library table, but it is still in the family after all these yrs, my son has it. and I had to get the dolls out before the catalog made it's way out to the toilet. thinking back now, I don't remember ever having a roll of toilet paper out there, and as I think back now, how did we ever get clean, as most of the catalog paper is sorta slick now, and maybe back there it was not slick, may  have been a different paper,  I guess sitting here this morning with my twin just got me to thinking back then,  no computers, go outside and play church, that is what we did all the time, as that is what we did every sun,& wed. so we had dynamite boxes , (empty) that my dad brought home from the coal mine, and we made an alter and stage and had seats and sat it  up like a church, and when I say we , the other part of we was my cousin Donetta , her and I grew up together, as we got older we rode bikes together, but back to this little one sitting here beside me, she is so pretty, and such a good kid. I don't know how her mother did it, but she raised 5 children by herself, as her husband passed away, when this  one was  about a month old. and her mother has done a great job,
well I have gotten on to just thinking back and there is so much about how things are different from when I was her age.
I guess I better get off and fix her some cereal or something, and then I got to clean this place a little as it will fill up tomorrow for the cook in.  rain rain go away, come again another day, like mon.


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