Saturday, November 3, 2012

                                            The great news is I think Pat is getting better.
Now that makes a good headline. I want her to get better so bad. 'she is the one I always shopped with. groc. stores, shopping centers, garage sales. I sure have missed all that this last yr. but now as soon as she is able she will be going to church with me. She is getting up in her motorized chair and going from bedroom to kitchen , and she said she is going to start doing some cooking from her chair. she has another month before going back to dr. and him giving her the ok to put weight on that leg.
  Wish Chris didn't live so far away. she loves to shop. but when she comes up it is a hurried trip and she has the rest of her family to visit.
   johnny and char don't get here very much like they use to. love for them to come. but they are over an hr away.
   Earl had to go make a trip to north vernon, so it's just me and lilymae, and she follows me from room to room and sleeps at my feet, except in bed and then she sleeps at my head. don't remember if I have put a picture of  her on here, but will put one now.

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