Sunday, October 7, 2012

           we got the roof finished. and the gutters up, or rather we hired someone to do it. looks a lot better now.
went to sun. school this morning. It is so nice to have Pat sitting beside me now. . since debbie had to leave, Pat has filled her seat. Will be so glad when Pat gets her new hip put in and can start doing more things again.
 Wish chris lived up here so she could do things with us.
It is getting so cold already , and I don't like the cold. we have not gotten to have any fun in the back yard since deb has been gone.  she was the instigator in a lot of things. lets do this and lets do that. and now seems like we are not doing anything. we always had a wiener roast in oct. and here it is and now one has said anything about it.

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