Monday, May 14, 2012

                  I am so unequipped to be doing this b

I have just sat here this  morning and deleted everything I  had in my email, and I had over 500 in there and stuff I meant to go back to, just didn't have the time then, I also lost all of the important documents, so I guess I am not able to be in charge of anything. so just don't rely on me. I try to do good and it comes out bad. I need to just shut this computer down and go read a good book. or go outside and do something. these things can become addictive. and you can spend your whole life sitting here going thru penterest. and we use to keep pictures in an album, now they are all on here. but it is nice to sit here and talk to people, people that live miles away, and there they are , even pictures of them and you can see how they have changed since you last saw them. maybe  being addictive to this is not so bad. but I have turned around and looked behind me and got a shock as to what the house looks like since I sit here so  long. and forgot where I even keep the sweeper. and paper plates help a lot. but I still have a bunch in the sink I need to take care of. the pc doesn't quite do everything. so I am going to go take care of dishes now
                         my 2 daughters and me
now I am going to do the dishes


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