Saturday, April 28, 2012

Another rainy day. and the tv now says rain everyday for a week, I have been watching it all week  to see what sun is going to be, as there will be another cookout here on sun. but I think it will be like the last one.( a cook in), they are changing it every day, but now that it is almost  here, looks like another cook in.
sitting here this morning with my twin, she will be 9 tomorrow, and I will be 84 tomorrow. and she is my great granddaughter.  How time does fly.
Oh to be her age again, She is sitting playing old maid on the computer, and when I was her age, I was playing with paper dolls I had cut out of a sears catalog. I had a box of people , dads and moms and children, and furniture,  and mostly played under the library table, it had a shelf under it, I don't know why it was called a library table, but it is still in the family after all these yrs, my son has it. and I had to get the dolls out before the catalog made it's way out to the toilet. thinking back now, I don't remember ever having a roll of toilet paper out there, and as I think back now, how did we ever get clean, as most of the catalog paper is sorta slick now, and maybe back there it was not slick, may  have been a different paper,  I guess sitting here this morning with my twin just got me to thinking back then,  no computers, go outside and play church, that is what we did all the time, as that is what we did every sun,& wed. so we had dynamite boxes , (empty) that my dad brought home from the coal mine, and we made an alter and stage and had seats and sat it  up like a church, and when I say we , the other part of we was my cousin Donetta , her and I grew up together, as we got older we rode bikes together, but back to this little one sitting here beside me, she is so pretty, and such a good kid. I don't know how her mother did it, but she raised 5 children by herself, as her husband passed away, when this  one was  about a month old. and her mother has done a great job,
well I have gotten on to just thinking back and there is so much about how things are different from when I was her age.
I guess I better get off and fix her some cereal or something, and then I got to clean this place a little as it will fill up tomorrow for the cook in.  rain rain go away, come again another day, like mon.


Sunday, April 22, 2012

did the cancer walk, and boy was it cold, in the 40"s and windy. It did earl in. he didn't say anything, but when we got home he had to go to bed and I rubbed him down with horse  liniment, and he took a nap, is sun and he is still sore today. his legs and back are giving out on him. I guess he is gonna have to start acting l like an old man. getting some of the pics on here now.


Friday, April 20, 2012

trying to think what to wear tomorrow,  going to downtown indy for the cancer walk. earl is going to go and sal and johnny and char and the red hat ladies, all in honor of debbie. debbie did this every year. and we trying to keep it going. sal's sister from new york is here and his sister from ohio is here. debbie would be proud. and it is going to be in the 40 s in the morning. and I can't stand the cold. so I'm not saying this is going to be fun.  will publish more about that tomorrow aft. and maybe have some pics. right now I have pics of my 2 newest flowers. but don't know the name of either. forgot to keep the package. but I love lots of flowers outside. well I tried to put them here  will try again.

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

I am sure I wrote on here a day or so ago, but I must have not pushed the right button. went in to wash. sq. methodist complex to get blood work done, to check on thyroid. so went till 2  , the time I got there, without eating, usually I have had cherios or coffee. decided to it right this time.
earl had to go on a run early and now has gone on a late run, small ones.
got 3 tomato plants blooming.
I have to decide what to fix to take to church, as randy , our use to be preacher , his dad died and the church is having a dinner the day of the funeral for all of them. like they did for debbie, so I have to fix something to take,.I would like to stay and help serve, but have a dr. appt. about 1 30 I think, so will have to figure out something. may cancel dr appt.
dreading sat suppose to be in 50 and rain. I hate to cancel that. will keep watch on it and see if they change it.
johnny and char are leaving wed to go on a camping trip, but are planning on coming back for the walk. they are putting flags along the road with the cancer patients name on it, and then you take it with you, sal said he was getting a flag.

Friday, April 13, 2012

oh my, have sat here for 3 hrs going thru other peoples blogs and tutorials. love going thru here and  learning new things. wish I had this when I was young, all things I could have did. and taught my youngings to do. now they already know more than I could ever learn cause they are going thru things also, and they are young enough to try all this.
weeded one of my flower gardens yesterday, now got to get on to another one, before the weeds take over, last yr. it was a weed garden , and now this yr. I think I can take care of it. don't remember what was wrong last  yr. I just couldn't do it.  but first I got some dishes that I went to bed and didn't do , so got to get that done first , (wish I didn't do that)
as you can see I am just ranting today, and I am a worry wart when it comes to the weather, and I see where sat we may have some bad weather coming in.
later,    norma

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

I have not ventured outside today. after all that warm weather and then getting down in the twenties, I can't take it, Had a dr. appt. but canceled it. and just stayed in where it was warm. went thru a lot on penterest,  just love those sites, and I am running out of paper printing all those recipes I want to make. earl is having his aft. nap.
thought about deb a lot today, sal came back from n,y. and called last night. I know it is hard on him , for his wife to be there and just sit in house alone. and I have lost mother and dad and 2 sisters and a bro. but nothing compares to the loss of a daughter, ok, I will move on
 trying to think of something to fix quick for a snack  this eve. guess I will go look around and see what I got that I can fix quick.
not putting much on here this time.
we made a hot house last night for the tomatoes, put a tarp over them and put a lamp in it, 
later        norma

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

I have sat here this morning trying to find out how to change the name of my blog, as I heard there are many with the same name, when I started I didn't look up names to get my own, and now I would like to change it, but read where one person did it and it all went away, so will leave it as it is for time being. would like to have my own unique name,  the only other blog I read is the dirt life, and only because I knew her mother and father and her when she was a child. and I think she is a unique person to have gone over all those mountains like she did. and now i read hers everyday, and once in awhile I get to see a picture of her mom.
well I got to go do dishes, everything just stops when I get on here as I get to going thru penterest and can't get out of it, one thing leads to another and I just love all the stuff I find in penterest.
later,          norma

Monday, April 9, 2012

just got to tell about easter sun and the good time we had,  debbie was there in our minds and we got the cry over early, as josh had to put her name in the prayer, but I am not saying any against josh, as I love  him dearly, he has been a great addition to this family.
 we had 17 here for dinner and it all went off swell. everyone had a good time. I love it when the great grand kids can have good memories about going to great grandmas and talk about the good times. love my family. there a few who couldn't make it,
meg brought the cake and you wouldn't believe it, had  the little marshmallow yellow chicks all around the top of it. , and the new cake transport she had, I had never seen anything like that. It must have been almost 2ft. tall.
the boys all growing up so fast and now max is going away to college this fall, but we got the whole summer to look forward to. all the cook outs in the back yard.
love my husband  so much, he helped johnny with the grills. had 2 going, one with hamburgers and one with barbecued chicken, and the ham was in the kitchen. 
was a good day. started out with church, and our great pasture,  I don't think that is the way to spell it , but he is a great guy, and we are so privileged to have  him.
and judy , you can't say enough about judy , she walked in the door and started right in making the mac, and cheese, she is so good at seeing where there is something that needs done and doing it. and johnny and earl took care of all the outside cooking. I don't think I did much, but couldn't understand why I was tired on the way to church in the eve. but glad I went. enjoyed the sermon.
I haven't covered all of the stuff I wanted to put down h ere, but got to get off now.  will be back . later,
this is a picture from last summer, but most of the family is in here and this is where it all goes on the back yard. 

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

I am so happy the big old storm missed us last night. so earl covered the tomatoes for nothing. I know he will be glad when he doesn't have to keep doing that. warm enough, but afraid the hail will get them. but now it is going to get colder and so looks like this is going to be a daily thing, would like to have a big ole juicy tomato this morning.  I mean out of my garden. Nothing can compare with  home grown ones.
Pat seemed to be a little better  yesterday. she went and got a new perm. but she says they cut it too short,
My car has been in the garage for 4 days, and they said they can't find anything wrong with it. so we will probably bring it home today.
I need to find a new title for my blog, as this came to mind and I started it and now chris says there are hundreds of people with this name,  so someone has to help me find a new name, one like twiggy has, where not one else has that I don't believe, she really came up with a good one, (the dirt life), I follow hers all the time, Now I got to find one like that. '
also would be nice to think of something interesting to put on here. .
got to get off now.  later

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

here I am again watching the news, and all the storms that are coming in tonite. everyone knows I don't like storms, suppose to start about 8 and last till 2, so will be a late time going to sleep. was awake a lot last night off and  on. too early to talk to Pat, hope she is feelling better today. she has been sick  and vomiting every day. they have changed her medicine hope it helps  her out. I am not suppose to be in better shape than my offsprings. Love my children so much.

Monday, April 2, 2012

won't be on here but a min, going to try pics. but then got to go to dentist , got other things I would rather be doing. but got to take the bad with the good, I have always heard, altho I don't really know why. well I can see I lost the place where you go to put in a pic, so since that is going to take a while to find out how to do it. one day I hope to be  good at this. some people have been doing this a long time, and I was 83 before I stumbled on it.

Sunday, April 1, 2012

Took flowers over sat. and saw a big tree down on somebody's stone. Hope it didn't crack it. going to go get a light to put on her place.
went to church this morn. and just had a small lunch for me and earl, and jacob came by, but we had enough for him. Him and earl are sitting and talking now.
My tulips are so pretty. I will try to see if I can put pics on here.

I saw this and it fit so well as to what I have been saying about debbie, that I had to add it.

                             God's Garden
God looked around His garden, And found an empty place,
He then looked down upon the earth, And saw your tired face,
He put His arms around  you, and lifted you to rest,
God's garden must be beautiful,He always takes the best,
He saw the road was getting tough, And the hills were hard to climb,
So He closed your weary eyelids, And whispered,"Peace Be Thine".
It broke our hearts to lose you, But you didn't go alone,
For part of us went with you. The day God called you home.