Saturday, June 30, 2012

Earl is not feeling well tonite and is already in bed and asleep.I have Pat not feeling good most of the time and chris' health is nothing to brag about and earl has to stay well. Pat will be having surgury again before long, no way to get by it. I feel so sorry for her, she has no life. and she  won't let m e come  over and help out.
suppose to get more storms tonight,   I don't like storms. A limb fell on one of my glass towers out in the flower bed, and broke it. If I could reach the bubble wrap in the garage I would go get it and wrap the big one in the back yard and it is my favorite.It won't fall over as it is on concrete, but a limb could fall on it.
got to go  .
I love all of my family, and wish they were all well.
I read Twiggy's blog almost everyday, she is so good at it. and I love all the stuff she puts in there. I knew her when she was about 6 or 7 or maybe a little older, and then they moved away. and see her dad on facebook all the time, He used to be our preacher and was a good one, but he decided to move away from Knightstown. really missed him, and his family.
Finally made it down to my hometown of Linton, In. and went to visit my childhood playmate. Her and I were the same age and went thru grade school and part of high school together. I don't think she looks as old as I do. We took her out to an amish resturant there in Linton, but she hardly ate anything.  We sat and looked at old pictures, and then we had to say goodbye. then we went to the cementary to put flowers on my parents grave.
Had a terrible storm here yesterday, and there are limbs down everywhere as we live in a woods. Went to cementary here in town to check on the flowers on debbie's grave and a few of them had blown off, will take my glue when I go back.
Earl h as gone to louisville today. Have another picture of him I want to put on here and one of my mother.

Sunday, June 24, 2012

days of my life

this is my first attempt at something like this, so it will take awhile, and probably will be mixed up. I am starting this a little late, as I am 82 yrs old, will be 83 in in 2 months.

let's get back to something else

I love reading all the mail from penterest people that I have met on here. Oh to be young again, and try all these things. but here I am 84  in another month and just now finding out about all this stuff. but love going thru and looking at all the penterest stuff. love the reciepes and all the craft stuff and the back yard. someday I am going to learn how to do this blog stuff and get it all straightened out, right now I am still learning. so if you are reading this bear with me.back later, I want to get out in the yard, what a pretty day it is. later

had a big storm yesterday , and so I went to grave yard and brought our new baskets of flowers so they wouldn't get messed up and we took them back and hung them up, they are so pretty, and also there was a tree blown down on to one of the headstones.
been out pulling weeds in the flower garden and found this and just had to come back in and post this, I have never seen this before, I don't remember planting  it and don't think I ever seen one of these, and there is just  one,

Have been downtown indy this morn. for the cancer walk?run. course I did the ride,(wheel chair)
was fun and most all of the red hat girls were there, sal  and his 2 sisters and earl and I. was fun, but cold.  , real cold. ,debbie would be so thrilled as she did this every yr,  brought back more memories, but had to shut most of them out. and fthink of present. I would think, I am going to break down and then make myself think of something else. It seems like she is not really gone. should just walk in anytime with that big smile. she always had a smile. ok I will get on to something else  like how cold dit was. I had 3 tees on and a sweatshirt and a winter coat. and was still cold. in the 40 and then the wind picked up was so good to get in truck and turn the heat up high, Pat wanted to go, but she is in such bad shape with that hip. that she couldn't go. but that is over now for another yr.
went to eye doc. this morn. Pat took me. going to put prescription eye drops in now. suppose to make make more tears, but the good kind of tears. I don't know when he explained it , I didn't understand and I ask him who thought that up. these are suppose to get rid of the bad tears and make good tears.
earl is in the recliner checking out the inside of his eyelids,
He is still weak from the walk sat. I didn't know it would be that bad on  him.
this is such a good picture of my daughter and her daughter, I just had to post it,
going to post some pictures of my daughter in ky. and her family. they were all home for fathers day.
6-17-12 father's day (12).JPG6-
there I got it, my daughter is in the back and her husband and the tall guy on the left is her son, and the blond down on the right is her daughter, and in the middle with the fuchia colored dress is the  blonds daughter and her husband and and the 2 girls on the right surrounding the blond, are the tall boys kids, and all the rest belong to the blond .

                                          Fun Day
sat we went to morgantown to our john and his wife sharlene,  and  a dinner that was out of this world, he knows I like the ribs he fixes, and they were really good, and after dinner we went 4 wheeling back thru the woods and creek, and over hill and dale, it was fun. scary, but fun. and went to a creek and looked for geodes and found a lot of them, we will have to get out this week and bust them open and see how they look inside. It was the most fun filled day this old woman has had for awhile, and I'm ready to go again. but I don't think earl is as hep on the idea as I am. we'll have to leave him home the next time. course time I spent all the time in the rhyno with charlene. and it is fun to ride it and it looks like you are going to turn over or hit a tree and she says no we are not going o turn over. so I trust her. but she has a scar on her arm from where her 4 wheeler went over and the scar is about 8 or 9 " long I think.
Pat is not doing so good today, her foot is swelled up real big. she is having a hard time with her leg. I worry about her a lot.
more later, got to get ready to go back to church tonight.

Friday, June 22, 2012

           friday morning
sitting here looking at pictures, there is so many things on the pc that keeps you from doing housework that really needs to be done. Deb worked on computers all day and I often wondered how she could just sit there all day and now here I am spending a big part of my day on here. penterest can take up a big part. but looking at the pictures I found this one of 4 generations and decided to post it, as I am so proud of my family.

Sunday, June 17, 2012

Sun. morning, and I feel like such a traitor, didn't feel up to par this morn. I think I am trying to get strep throat, or a cold. and I wonder, (how come I don't just quit trying, and It will all be over. Didn't feel like going to church this morn. and so earl didn't go either. all my fault, but, I am sneezing a lot and blowing a lot

haven't heard from Pat yet this morning, she has had chest pains all week, and don't have an appt with heart doc, till next thurs. I told her I can't lose another daughter, just can't, just can't.

It is fathers day,  and I'm hoping no one shows up, as furniture from bedroom is all stacked in kitchen. carpet man came fri eve. to lay the carpet and now he can't come back till mon eve. so I really have no place to cook.

chris has her whole family there for fathers day, and this is the first time in yrs that all of them have been them have been there at the same time.


Saturday, June 16, 2012

Finally go my homemade washing detergent made, have yet to use it. but should save a lot on the washing clothes bill, Tide was always my favorite, but all of them just got out of site and I had to do something to cut down on bills. Everyone says this is good and they use it all the time. I have been making the glass towers that I found on penterest, I told my husband that when they say it is going to hail, we will have to stand out there with an umbrella, or  we will have a lot of broken glass to pick up. they are so pretty out there. and I made the glass mushrooms. Goodwill is a good lace to find the glass and yard sales.
I get to looking at penterest and spend  so  much time there, there are so  many smart people out there that can think up all this stuff and I am so glad they are willing to share it,
I have always made quilts and will put the last one I made on here, I embroidered it. but before that I pieced them by hand while I sat and watched tv. going to try doing something else now that I have penterest to learn things.

Friday, June 8, 2012

Couldn't sleep last night, so am up early and will try to put something on here. I didn't know this would be so hard. I have sat here and read other peoples blogs and they are so interesting. but when I try this I find I will never be an author. I am going to try to start cleaning out a closet today. It has to be done , and I have put it off too much. As I am making room in one room to bring my piano home where it belongs. I think I have forgotten all the little chords I use to play on it. May even start piano lessons again. Can you believe starting that at 84? I guess that way I find out if I really have alshymers , now you know and I know that isn't the way to spell t hat, but sound it out and see what you come up with.
Earl has worked so hard on the back yard this summer, and it is really looking good, ( for poor people ). we like it and that is all that matters.
Have a sick daughter next door. am so worried about her. and have one in ky that is not in the best of health. Things are not working out like they are suppose to. I am not suppose to be in better shape than my kids. You know , they are still my kids. altho they are in their 60's. except the boy, I don't think he is quite 60 yet.
got a new recipe I am going to try this morning. It is biscuits with 7 up and sour cream in them, and are suppose to be delicious, will let you know. I love trying new recipes, but can't say that earl does. but he sorta goes along with me. and says I don't think this is gonna be what we are crazy about. but I am so sure of this recipe that I don't even like 7 up and bought and large bottle.
got the wreath made for mothers grave, didn't make it down to linton for memorial day, but am gonna try to make it this week. would go today but have to put the truck in for a recall.
If  I get the closet cleaned out and have time I may get the sewing machine out , as I have material for a new skirt and been wanting to make it. so may just do that. I am wearing long skirts now, as it is so much better than trying to struggle in pantyhose. and they are so comfortable. now I have to remember where I put that material. course if I don't get off this computer I won't get anything done. So happy trails to you. later.
 this is the man I have spent 46 years with, and haven't regretted it a bit
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Monday, June 4, 2012

well I think I can sit down now for a while, I have fixed dinner and did the dishes and moved some little things around and dusted here and there, and then went to garage and swept it, and now I am thirsty, will sit here and have a pepsi.and then I am going to try to catch up a little on this.

as you can see I have had these for quite a number of years,  the first one 33 , just some of the things I collect about my family. Haven't been on here for awhile as my pc has been down had to order a new part, but hope all is well now, and maybe I can think of something to write about.