Sunday, August 4, 2013

                        another wonderful day. sun. 

  Seems like it has been forever since I have been back to writing on here, I intend to do it often and then it seems like there is always something else that needs to be done. and what needs to be done is trivial, but I have finished a beading job I have been working on. and now I got a glimpse of wire wrapping, and I found the most pretty beach stone yesterday that I had put away sometime or other and forgot and I was thinking this would make a pretty necklace and then this morning was looking thru face book and found wire wrapping and that is what I am going to do with this stone. and I think it looks a lot easier than beading. I have waited too late in my life to do all the things I want to do. So am trying to catch up. Got so many things I want to do. and want to get the tulips planted, I went to try to buy them yesterday, but to early they don't have them out yet. I will make the bed in a different place this time as I think it was too wet in the other place, they were so pretty the first yr and then never came up again. (maybe they were short term tulips)                                                                                               wishing Pat could get well. miss all the running her and I use to do. it seems like everyday we were going to sales and buying junk. but it was fun. wish chris lived closer and she could have ran with us. I guess chris is in more pain than she lets on when she is around me.  Don't know why they have to be in so much pain. I have had a good life, not too much sickness, and feeling good most of the time. and I guess having a younger man around all the time as kept me from just sitting and getting stiff in all the joints. I have had a real good marriage with this younger man. not any money, but plenty of love. and now he is taking care of me , and holding my hand so I won't fall when we are out and about,                                                                                    I have found I have cancer on my leg, and hoping that is the only place, but will find out on the 15th. so won't dwell on that.         picking Cathy up tues.she is coming in from arizonia, going to spend some time with us. been quite a few yrs since I have seen her, and 30 something yrs since the rest of the family have seen her, so a big homecoming is planned                                             looking forward to Johnnys birthday party sat they have a lot planned and now this morn the tv is saying rain. just have to hope the tv is lying. It won't be near as much fun I we have to spend it all inside.                                                                                     got to get off now and think about what I am going to wear this morning to church. 


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