Tuesday, August 21, 2012

                   still just worrying about my daughter and when she is going to get well. I know it is so hard for her just lying there and not knowing when the staff infection is going to get well and then have surgury again to get the hip joint put back in. Her sister in Ky came up to see  her yesterday and I know that made her day. and chris keeps her happy with lots of cards and the ladies from church send her cards and 2 have sent food.  all of that helps her. and I miss having her to go shopping with. we always went to walmart together so I could help her with her groc. as she has a bad back also , and that will still be thee when the hip gets well. They said nothing can be done for the back. It has deteriated so much. all this should be this old woman and not my daughters having all this happen to them.  someday all is going to be well and I can get on here and write about happy things.

Thursday, August 16, 2012

It has finally arrived, my daughter Pat gets to come home today, been in rehab for 16 days. she is coming home without a hip joint, so she can't walk yet. but we are glad she gets to come home. and I know she is. she said when she went in for surgury , she thought she was going to be in 3 days and back home. she still has a long way to go, but a lot of people are praying for her. I ask her if she knew how surgrurys, (my pc shows I am spelling that wrong) she has had and I think she said 17. course not all of them were on her hip. not much writting now, I have to get ready to go over there,

Monday, August 13, 2012

                                Still thinking about Pat this morning., Not knowing how this is all going to turn out.
The poor is being so brave lying up in that hospital and not having a hip joint to get up and do anything, and they said she can't put any weight on that leg. Alto they have a block in there to keep everything separated I guess, The have to build a ramp or something to get her in the house, as it is about 6 steps to get to her front door. they are bringing a hosp. bed, cause her bed sits down too low. Oh and her husband took her puppy up to the hosp. sun, and I had never heard of getting to take a dog to your room, she loved that, as she is as crazy about her dog as I am with mine,  One of these days when all the sickness is over, I will write about my Lily Mae, but helping the kids comes first. They are still kids to me. They are my kids. and I guess I will always call them kids. even though they are in their 60"s. but since I am heading toward 85 , ( nest april) they are kids to me. I love my family very much, and my husband whose has been a pillar in this family. He has been the one to help make this a great family. We ;don't have much money, in fact we don't have ;any, but we are happy , and we have great family reunions and it has been so hot this summer to get outside where we always congregated, for cookouts and in the fall wiener roasts. but right now we have to get Pat well .
  As ; you can see you never know what I will end up writting about , But now lily has come and told me that the better half  is up, so Ill close for now. And if you are reading this you can see it is not  like regular blogs, I love making things and cooking, but I can't put them on here as I get them from other peoples blogs, I love penterest and all the stuff people put on there to make, and I have made a lot of them, but they are not my ideas, some day maybe I can picture some of them and show the person I got them from. but now I got to run and get busy. I got a new perm and it is terrible, it was a new woman, but she will never do it again, so I am going to go in the kitchen and find something to give myself a hot oitl treatment and as I am writting I am thing that coconut oil might help it, It is suppose to be good for everything else. So if it all falls out I will let you know.  Have fun going to penterest and read all the good things.

                                    Babble ings from grandma,

Friday, August 10, 2012

       Still worrying about my daughter Pat, she is in the community east hosp. rehab. and cannot walk because of not having a hip joint. when all the infection heals, then they have to go back and put the hip joint back in and that could be 2 or 3 months, the poor girl has really had a rough time the last few yrs. she has already had 5 hip replacements. and when they put this one back in that will 6. How much can one person go thru, plus her back is gone , hurts all the time. that's all for now, got to go to hosp.

                       A  worried mom.

Sunday, August 5, 2012

                          decided to write some more on here, and now the tv says a severe storm warning in about 15 or 20 min. So  I won't write much  as I always shut these things down when we have a storm.
  Spent Fri. in ky. with my daughter Chris, we went goodwilling in a new store down there, In a fancy neighborhood and really thought it would be an experience, but our good will in Greenfield is a lot better, They don't know how to do it down there. So we went to kohls, and they had a lot of stuff on sale.
    Had a good day with chris tho, and we came home and she fixed an enormous dinner and the guys came home and they had already ate, so she sent the left overs home with me, as we love left overs, and that will be our sun. dinner. so I don't have to do a lot today,
     Sat. went to see Pat, she is in rehab. and in so much pain. I feel so sorry for her and there is nothing I can do but pray. She has been thru too many surgurys in her life, that no one should have to go thru, She deserves so much more. Such a good daughter,  So today I go to church and have all of them pray for her.
     I finally got my ipad, been wanting one, and thinking this 84 yr. old woman can survive without that. and I am not rich enough to have all of these new these new things. but I know I will enjoy it.
    watching the cindi crawford comercial on tv,  and I think I really would l ike to have this age defying stuff. the can make it sound good,
but need to get off now and shut things down.  I'm putting another picture on of 2 of my lovely daughters.

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

going to put a picture on of me and my daughter and grand daughter and great grand daughter.

sometimes I may put a picture on that was already on here as I don't go back and go over it, but it doesn't hurt if I do. they are all so pretty.
                                        I am going to try to get some written here.
My middle daughter, pat is in the hosp. now , she has had so much trouble with her back and hip, and has had 5 hip replacements. but she wore out the first 2 being a mail lady and having to walk and carry the bag of mail all the time. and then had trouble with one of the next 2 and had to have it replaced and then got infection in it, and has been waiting months for the infection to go away and it didn't, so now they took the joint out and are leaving it out until the infection is gone, which could take a couple months, who knows and in it's place they have put some kind of block and she is suppose to be able to put a little weight on it, using a walker to walk. but as of today she is still in too much pain. so they are sending her to a rehab place for a few days. the poor girl has had nothing but pain for quite a few yrs, pain of one kind or another.
This blog seems to be more of a diary. I read a lot blogs where they have ideas to make things and I love them I read them all the time on penterest and try to make some of the things. and try out new recipes. .

I love my husband and my kids. Sjo for now that is what I mostly write about, so haven't made it public, cause don't know if anyone wants to read that. Maybe as the yrs go by I will get better at this.