Sunday, April 21, 2013

           I has really been a not so good month, with all the rain and flooding, and then this weekend the freezing and we had to get out and get buckets and cans and baskets and we think the freeze didn't get them. I love my flowers out in the yard,
went to sun school this morn, Pat didn't make it as she over slept, she is up half the night and sometimes has to sleep in the daytime. I know she doesn't get enough sleep. earl is asleep now, I think he gets enough, he can sleep all night and then nap in the chair most of the day and then sleep that night, I can't do that, fi I sleep in the day time I may not sleep when I go to bed.
I wanted to go on the cancer walk sat, but I just can't take this cold, I went the last 2 yrs, I talked to   Sal and he said it really was cold.  I hope he doesn't get sick over this.
have to get off now, later  love you all.

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