Sunday, October 21, 2012

       Sunday morning, Pat came home this week. they found she had a fractured leg along with everything else. so I will be 6 weeks before she can put any weight on that leg. So tomorrow she will have one week down. and 5 to go. She has had 3 surgurys this year. and 7 hip surgurys .The poor girl has been thru so much, and has to just stay in that tiny room in bed. she has a wheel chair but she says it hurts too much to get up and get in it. I have taken care of her this week, but she called her daughter in louisiana  sorry not spelled right, the spell checker says. and her daughter caught a bus and came up to take care of her a couple weeks, that was so nice of her to just drop everything and come up here. We  just pray that the staff infection is gone and will stay she can start having a good life again. 
    We got to have our yearly wiener roast and Pat got to be there sitting in a wheel chair, This was before the surgury, 
    I keep thinking that I may be repeating myself, as I don't go back and read what I put on here the last time. but I figure that is no big deal. 
    will have to get off now and get ready to go to church.   

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

                     Hoping all of this bad luck for Pat will come to and end.
Pat had the surgury the 15th , and they also found she had a thigh bone fractured, she doesn't know how that happened or when but was having a lot of pain in that area. The doc wired that together and the new hip is in, and she was suppose to be up and learning to walk again in 3 days , and now with the fracture it will take about a month, and they are taking about rehab again, and she doesn't want that as she was there before , the poor girl has had   so much bad luck and hasn't gotten to be in her pool for about 3 yrs. hoping so much that she is on the road to getting a life again, but since she has started going to church with me, she has given her heart to the Lord and was going to church , with a walker. and we did get to have the wiener roast last sat on the 13th, and she brought her car right around to the back yard and sat in a chair all the time, but she got to be there and everyone waited on her.
   My car is on it's last leg and I am going to h ave to think more seriously about finding another, I like this one, it is an 01, but I hate to let it go. but I am going to just find a used one that runs good, and has all the fenders and bumpers on it.

Sunday, October 7, 2012

           we got the roof finished. and the gutters up, or rather we hired someone to do it. looks a lot better now.
went to sun. school this morning. It is so nice to have Pat sitting beside me now. . since debbie had to leave, Pat has filled her seat. Will be so glad when Pat gets her new hip put in and can start doing more things again.
 Wish chris lived up here so she could do things with us.
It is getting so cold already , and I don't like the cold. we have not gotten to have any fun in the back yard since deb has been gone.  she was the instigator in a lot of things. lets do this and lets do that. and now seems like we are not doing anything. we always had a wiener roast in oct. and here it is and now one has said anything about it.