Friday, September 28, 2012

Will get a few more lines in. It is mostly about Pat now, as she still is one hipless. Is that a word? I just made it one.  suppose to go back on the 15 of oct. to get the new hip put in again. hope all goes well with that. and her husband didn't start his chemo yet as there is a shot that may help him but it cost 8.000$ so waiting to see if the ins. will pay for it.
Hopefully I can start on something besides sickness before long. we are putting up a ;new roof and guttering this week so will be busy helping with that. and trying to get it all done before that snow starts falling.


Monday, September 17, 2012

                                   A New Day, Anew beginning,

Pat went to church with us last night and gave her heart to the Lord. We are so happy,  She walked down to the alter with her walker. The doc has told her she c;an put 50 % on that leg, and she has a new a new date to look forward to now. oct. 15th the hip joint will be put back in. and then when that gets well, all the pain will be just coming from her back. hopefully. She will then be able to get up and do what she used to do. She has been thru a lot.
  Now she has a new worry , her husband has found out he has a form of lukemmia, I can't spell worth a durn. it says even durn is spelled wrong, but that is how I spell it. Any way he starts chemo on the 25th of this month. Has to go three days I think it is and 7 hrs a day, So will update on this  later. 

Thursday, September 13, 2012

                     will take time to add a little more,
I have been talking about my middle daughter, who is now my youngest daughter, and she has been very sick with a staff infection. but she is on the road to recovery. Looking so much better and getting around with a walker. but she still has another surgury to go thru to put the new hip back in.;;;hopeful this will be the last one, she it will make 7 hip surgurys and that is too much for one person to go thru..but she  has taken it all like a trooper. haave missed so much running around with her, she was right next door and she always takes me everywhere and I miss going with her.
just finished eating bread pudding hot out of the oven. so easy to make and I made 2 , one for my daughter, now I got to get dressed and take it over there.
wish the daughter in ky. lived a little closer, and we all 3 could go running together.
My hubby is out mowing the lawn. as the rain is coming in and he wants it to be pretty for the weekend.
 I have been sewing, had to get the sewing machine out and then found 3 dresses I had started and never finished, so now that it is out, I will see how much I can get done before I put it away again to stay a  long time. so plan on sewing most of the day. and if I don't shut this down, will not get it done so later.


Tuesday, September 4, 2012

 Labor Day  2012
 Went to our son and daughter-in-laws house. They live in Morgantown. And a good time was had by all. John had cooked all morning, and and we had chicken . turkey burgers and hot dogs , all cooked on the grill outside, and squash , 2 kinds, cooked on the grill and baked beans, and since they are on diets, there were ;no cakes and pies,      but they did have cookies for ME and the little ones. after that charlene and I and the 2 small ones got in the rhyno and her daughter and the daughters husband got on the 4 wheeler and we all headed down the road to a creek and then went down in the creek and took a long ride in it, it was scary in places and fun other wise, she kept telling me that the rhyno would ;not turn over and I took her word  for it. we had fun, while the guys stayed home and played with guns. and after we got back the guys decided to go to the creek, so we stayed home while they had fun in the creek, course they got a little more braver than us, I think. but we really had a swell day and I think we need to start having all our get togethers there as there is a lot m ore to do for everyone, and a big woods behind to  have fun in. 
but I h ad left a daughter at home next door who wasn't feeling well, I will be so glad when she gets to where she can enjoy life again. she hasn't had any fun things that she is able to do for well over a yr. Have to call and see how she is in about an hr. don't want to call too soon in case she is still sleeping. but by 9 she is suppose to put the ;medicine bottle in that port. she's been thru a lot and still has a lot to go thru before it is over.need lots of prays for her.

Sunday, September 2, 2012

I don't know how others can think up things too put down everyday. I need to write more, but never kept a diary and this is really what this is. but would like to leave something for my family to read when I am gone.

worrying about the daughter #2 now.  she is looking toward her 7 hip surgury. she has been in so much pain the last few yrs. but she is taking it better than I think I would. Hopefully when this staff infection is gone and she gets the hip joint put back in, will be her last for awhile.

I sure miss going to yard sales with her. I have not been since she has been down. Maybe I saved some money, but would rather be running with her, we h it them all. she would look at the paper and draw out a map where we didn't have to back track and could hit all of them . we went to 32 one morning. I quit going , cause it wasn't as much fun by myself. and it is hard to get in to all those tight parking places when there is a lot of people there. 

I don't know why chris had to move so far away. well I guess I do know why. but just wish she was closer and I would make a garage sale person out of her. 

Sitting here thinking about Valerie, would love to see her, but she works and don't know when would be a good time to see her. she was always our adopted daughter. She was so good to Debbie and a dear friend. 

Wanted to go to johnny and char's this weekend, but this rain has put a damper on a lot of things. but the weekend isn't over  yet. we will surely see them today or tomorrow. 

Growing old is not good. the only thing good is looking at all the family that has accumilated  over the years. All the additions. But being so  oldl, there is a lot I am going to miss out on. I just hope they will remember me with mostly good thoughts.I love all love all of them. 

And my husband has been a rock thru it all. he is a great man. He has a lot of friends and that is good. everyone seems to like him. and that is good. and he likes me and that is good. 

I am wondering who is going to give me a great great grandchild first. Hoping I am around long enough to hold it. I know , not suppose to be called an it, but not knowing the sex, has to be an it. 

I have one great grandchild who is a nurse, and another who is in college, I think he is going to be a movie star. and the next one to start college seems to be quite, so I have no idea on him. would love to be around when pretty kaylee starts college. 

I guess I should go think about fixing some breakfast.  later