Friday, November 1, 2013

  will try to add a few more words to this.It's hard for me to keep it all up to date,  I have been worrying about Pat for months, she just  doesn't seem to get back into shape. We  used to run around all the time together, but now she hardly ever leaves her little room. It is as if she has just given up. she said she thought this was as good as she was going to get. but I don't think it has to be that way.
   Halloween is here and that was always her favorite time of the year.  and she has all the things she has bought for the d ay, and they are all put away. I am glad her daughter has moved back, maybe she can get her out of that room and doing something, I know she is in a lot of pain, and takes all that medicine for pain, and am afraid she is addicted to pain medicine. 
  Earl has gone back to Walmart to work a little while, He tells everyone that wanted him out of my way, he doesn't like to say we can use the extra dollar, He is awful tired when he comes in at night, he may not be able to keep it up.
   once again I get on here and can't think of a thing to say. so will try to get back sooner and maybe make notes ahead of time.  love you all.